Motivation Analysis with the Reiss Motivation Profile®

What really motivates people? Power, money, family, praise? What ultimately makes people happy and satisfied? They are life motives – inner drivers. These can be made visible. With the help of the life motive analysis, the Reiss Motivation Profile®. Life motives are “ultimate motives”, i.e. “final purposes” of human action. In every human being, each of the 16 life motives is present to a certain extent. Nevertheless, individuals differ in the strength of expression and the constellation of motives – an individual fingerprint of the “core of personality”.
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Individual and Corporate Benefits

Those who get to know their own motivational profile and that of their employees, colleagues, superiors, customers, etc. in more detail can gain valuable insights into their own and others’ personalities: who they really are, what moves and drives them deep down. These insights contribute to working more efficiently and with greater motivation, to becoming more tolerant toward oneself and others, and to being able to lead oneself and others in a task- and motivation-oriented manner. As a certified Reiss Motivation Profile® Master, I support you in getting to know your own motivational profile as well as that of the people around you better, thus gaining valuable insights into your own and others’ personalities: who are you really, what moves and drives you at your core. These insights contribute to becoming happier, more efficient and motivated at work, and more tolerant towards yourself and others.

What’s your next step?

  • Individual Reiss Motivation Profile®
  • Coaching with the Reiss Motivation Profile®
  • Leadership development with the Reiss Motivation Profile
  • Team development with the Reiss Motivation Profile
RMP certified master

Your personal Reiss Motivation Profile®

Get to know your own life motives. Get your personal Reiss Motivation Profile® for 345 EUR (+VAT). For this you will receive:
  • Online access to the analysis
  • approx. 90-minute evaluation interview with a certified Reiss Motivation Profile® Master
  • detailed written report
After booking, we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the further procedure.

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