Strengthen your perception of yourself in a 2-minute time-out for your senses. Park all your thoughts for a moment and get a little refreshment. Treat yourself to some time out with yourself. There is #onlyoneearth for humanity to live. Spend beautiful moments in it...
Podcast Thema:
Mentale Fitness
#67, Julia Borgan, Positive Intelligence – Head of Enterprise Relations
Jürgen Ruff in conversation with Julia Borgan, Positive Intelligence - Head of Enterprise Relations: Discovering Positive Intelligence through coaching certification and joining the team to propel mental fitness movement globally Ironman 70.3 personal best by...
#3 Bonus Track, Sound of Mountains in Rain
Give yourself a two minute break. Close your eyes, take 2 to 3 deep breaths and sit back and relax. Listen to the forest in the rain. Listen to the water dripping down the leaves, the wind blowing and the footsteps of two rangers walking through the rain.
#2 Bonus Track, Sound of Mountains
Enjoy a two minutes break. Take a short rest of your digital time. Close your eyes, take some deep breath and listen to the sound of the moutains.
#47 – Nima Ashoff
Jürgen Ruff im Gespräch mit Nima Ashoff: Von der Jugend- und Heimerzieherin über Trainerin zum SelbstwertcoachWenn ein heißblütiger Spanier zum Rotblonden Schwaben mutiertDer Alltag von digitalen NomadenDie Flexibilität muss gut geplant seinMehr in der Natur und mit...
#45 – Dr. Jens Barthel
Jürgen Ruff im Gespräch mit Jens Barthel: Studierte Sportwissenschaft und BetriebswirtschaftWie aus einem hyperaktivem Kind ein Welt- und Europameister wirdEs sind die kleinen Dinge, die große Erfolge erzielenRespekt voreinander, Demut, achtsamer Umgang mit sich...
#1 Bonus Track, Sound of Forest
Take a short rest of your digital time. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of forest.