Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Matteo Boffa : From a bank career via News York to be president at Swiss Business Council for Abu Dhabi Instead of a "save" bank career decided to getting out of the comfort zone and making an impact for our environment The "ugliest"...
Podcast Thema:
#26 – Experiences World Economic Forum by Juergen Ruff
Juergen Ruff talks about his experiences at the World Economic Forum: What is the World Economic Forum?Some highlights from the last events and the topics at DavosThe Pioneer of Change Summit, Nov. 2020Overview of Davos 2021Forecast Länge: Podcast 10:56 min....
#39, Ian Speirs
Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Ian Speirs: At the age of 8 the vision for helping humanity raisedBringing together a humanitarian event on parlamental hill in Ottawa with Mother TeresaTravelling to over 90 indigenous communities (First Nations and Inuit) over the last 3...