Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Chris P. Nwachukwu: Studied Computer Science and envisioned his activity as EnvironmentalistFounder Green Promise Initiative; an organisation that inspires environmental consciousnessEveryone is part of nature - we should learn again from...
Podcast Thema:
One Better World
#44 – Josée Lusignan
Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Josée Lusignan: At the age of 5, Josée receives her vision for helping humanityAlignment with yourself is the key to unlocking your full potentialGreat results and experiences happen through right alignment with yourselfTravelling to remote...
#43 – Erin Willett
Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Erin Willett: Studied Commerce and MarketingCreate space for individuality will boost creativity, happiness and being the foundation of cultural changesChanges required the readiness to creating the differenceLeaders of the future are be...
#06 – Thy-Diep (Yip) Ta
Jürgen Ruff im Gespräch mit Thy-Diep (Yip) Ta Vom BWL-Studium, Unternehmensberaterin zur Gründerin und Buch-AutorinBeraterin und Mentorin von Start Ups und VCsArbeit als Excecutive Coach für Mindfulness und MeditationSocial Entrepreneurship versus CharityAchtsamkeit...
#39, Ian Speirs
Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Ian Speirs: At the age of 8 the vision for helping humanity raisedBringing together a humanitarian event on parlamental hill in Ottawa with Mother TeresaTravelling to over 90 indigenous communities (First Nations and Inuit) over the last 3...
Herzlich Willkommen. Das ist mein Potenzialgestalter-Podcast: Potenzialgestalter-Dialoge. In meinen Podcast-Dialogen möchte ich interessante Menschen, tolle Geschichten und Firmen vorstellen, die mich beeindruckt haben oder die sich auch gerade auf dem Weg dahin...